Ich, Tomek

Genre: Feature film / Trailer
Jaar: 2009
Speelduur: 01:19 min
Beschrijving: 15-year old Tomek lives in Gubin, a small town on the German-Polish boarder. His passion is astronomy, therefore he spends more time with retired German teacher Weber, who wants to build an observatory, than in the football team coached by his father. But then Tomek meets Marta – and everthiny changes. The stars don′t matter anymore, instead it becomes important to dress right and be hip. Looking for ways to earn money, Tomek makes the aquaintance of local pimp Borys. Borys introduces the boy into a vicious circle of prostitution and violence, from which there seems to be no escape.
Provider: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rechten: In Copyright / Salzgeber & Co. Medien GmbH (Berlin)
Director: Robert Gliński
Type document :
Language: de